Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Hello and welcome to our blog of our journey here in India! To start our trip, we had some troubles at the airport with flight delays but it was soon fixed and we were on our way! From a 14 hour plane ride, cars in the city, to another 7 hour train ride, we finally arrived in Jalgaon where we would be staying for the next six weeks. We were able to settle in to our rooms and get some much needed sleep – thank you Jet Lag. The following day, we were given a tour of the beautiful campus of the Anubhuti Residential School where we have a room in one of the girls’ hostel. We learned more about the residential and city schools, their mission, and their founder, Bhavarlalh Jain. On Monday, we went to the city school for a brief orientation and were welcomed with contagious smiles and laughs. Each grade performed a song or skit to welcome us. We continued the week with getting into a routine of going to the city school and balancing our own school work for online classes. One week in and we have all seemed to fall in love with this beautiful country. We are taking any time possible to rest up for the upcoming week with our kiddos and new experiences.

-Justine, Lexi, Drew, & Abbi

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